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Muhammad Haryansyah

Software Engineer | Backend Engineer
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Hello! This is Hary here

I'm a self taught learner who likes technology around web development especially in Backend Development and Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning. Also has more interest in designing, enhancing, and maintaining web applications using Go, Python, and JavaScript.

Checkout my Resume

Contact me here <email>
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Some honourable mentions

Python Certificate

Complete learning fundamentals and Object Oriented Paradigm in Python for software development.

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Command Line Certificate

Complete learning fundamentals command line and common unix commands line.

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SQL Database Certificate

Complete learning SQL fundamentals, performs queries and basics for manipulating databases.

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JavaScript Fundamentals

Master basic JavaScript for web development especially for Back-end web development using Node.JS

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Cloud Practitioner Essentials

Learn and understand the Basic AWS Cloud with all types of services, global infrastructure, and prices.

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Create Back-end Application

Create a simple RESTful API to support the functionality of an application with Node.JS and Hapi.

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My Portfolios

Some of my recent works
JavaScript simple applications project
Frontend Development

JavaScript Simple Application

This project is a site showing simple applications/projects built with JavaScript, this project only contains JavaScript on client side aka Frontend 👍.

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RESTful Web Services

Roman Numeral API

Simple REST API to convert/GET ordinary number to roman numeral. This REST API doesn't use any frameworks, only use builtin package net/http. And no database implementation.

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Roman numeral REST API
Django simple todos app
Application Development

Django Simple To-Do

I made an application about a simple To-Do list which basically had the capabilty of add a new To-Do, complete the To-Do and clear completed To-Do.

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My Experience

Some of my work experience
  • Software Engineer | Fullstack Engineer

    Develop an internal Courier Management System from client which is a cross platform app with capabiliy of realtime courier tracking and realtime management system.

    Antdonk Website

    Develop a fishing e-commerce with multivendor feature from client which is a cross platform app with live chat, live-stream and book a fishing place or boat.

    Angleres Website
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